November 2024 Voter Guide

November 2024 Voter Guide

Here's who to vote for in Alameda County!

Cheat Sheet

Explanations for endorsements are below.

California State Assembly

Buffy Wicks

Mia Bonta

California State Senate

Jesse Arreguín

California Ballot Propositions

Yes on Prop 5

⛔️ No on Prop 33

Alameda County Board of Supervisors

John Bauters

City of Alameda

Thushan Amarasiriwardena

City of Berkeley

Adena Ishii

Terry Taplin

Todd Andrew

City of El Cerrito

Rebecca Saltzman

City of Emeryville

Sam Gould

Matthew Solomon

Courtney Welch

City of Oakland

Zac Unger

Warren Logan

Charlene Wang

BART Board

Barnali Ghosh

Victor Flores

AC Transit

Jean Walsh

Endorsement Explanations

California State Assembly


CA State Assembly District 14

Buffy Wicks

Buffy Wicks showed Californians what true grit looks like when she took personal risk during shelter-in-place to show up on the Assembly floor with her newborn and speak up for SB 1120. From her first year in the Assembly, Assemblymember Wicks has led on housing issues, with keen insight on policy details that have an outsized impact on housing. Combined with the courage to move forward on important bills even when they face resistance, Buffy Wicks has become a crucial housing champion in Sacramento. She has authored and co-authored powerful bills on a broad range of housing issues, including a state-wide rental registry, housing element strengthening and important permit streamlining legislation, and dozens more. We need more legislators like Assemblymember Wicks, who see the human cost of our housing crisis, give it the attention it deserves, and fight to build the homes we need at a scale that counts.

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY

CA State Assembly District 18

Mia Bonta

Mia Bonta is a consistent vote for housing, focused on the deep need for subsidized affordable housing and strong tenants protections. In her questionnaire, Mia told us:

In general, new housing should be built in traditionally single-family neighborhoods which held exclusionary zoning ordinances that discouraged growth and discriminated against people of color, and near transit hubs as a form of transit-oriented development to address the nexus between the climate crisis and transportation/vehicle miles traveled to and from employment. However, above all else, it is critical that new housing developments not fuel displacement and gentrification.
Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY

California State Senate

Jesse Arreguín

California State Senate District 7

Jesse Arreguín

"I can't sit back and see more people being priced out of my city, more people experiencing homelessness, and say that the status quo is working. It's not working. The rise in homelessness that we're seeing in Berkeley and the Bay Area is a direct result of our housing crisis. The fact that we do not have available and affordable housing is literally pushing people out onto the streets and pushing people out of our state. It's just wrong. We have a moral obligation to guarantee housing for all people. I do believe that housing is a human right."
Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY

California Ballot Propositions

Yes on Prop 5

✅ Yes

Yes on Prop 5

We support Prop 5 because we support more funding for affordable housing. Prop 5 would make it easier for local governments to raise money for affordable housing by allowing bonds to pass with 55% of the vote. This will make it easier for the state legislature to pass bills that fund housing and critical public infrastructure. We wholeheartedly support this effort.

This campaign needs a lot of help to get across the finish line, so sign up for more information here.

No on 33

⛔️ No

No on Prop 33

We oppose Prop 33 because it would allow NIMBY cities to completely block new housing, driving up the cost of housing for everyone over the long term.

Prop 33 would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act, a 1995 state law that generally prevents local governments from limiting what landlords can charge new tenants when they first move in. It also prevents cities from limiting rent increases that existing tenants can be charged in housing built on or after Feb. 1, 1995.

YIMBY Action has supported measures that would curb dramatic year-over-year increases in rent, such as the 2019 anti-rent gouging measure in the CA Legislature (AB 1482). But Prop 33 is poorly written and will allow wealthy cities to block new affordable homes from being built.

Prop 33 blocks the state from putting any reasonable checks on local rent control policies, allowing local governments to “maintain, enact or expand residential rent control.” This is a recipe for systemic denial of new housing because wealthy cities constantly look for ways to avoid building more homes. We can already see what anti-housing jurisdictions are planning, for example Former Huntington Beach Mayor Tony Strickland has already openly stated that he’s excited for this measure because it will allow them to block new homes.

We oppose Prop 33 because it is poorly written and will give wealthy communities a powerful tool to block housing all income levels.

Alameda County Board of Supervisors

John Bauters

Alameda County Supervisor, District 5

John Bauters

City of Alameda

Thushan Amarasiriwardena

Alameda City Council

Thushan Amarasiriwardena

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY

City of Berkeley


Mayor of Berkeley

Adena Ishii

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY
Terry Taplin 2024

Berkeley City Council District 2

Terry Taplin

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY
vote housing transparent background

Berkeley City Council District 5

Todd Andrew

"Andrew said he thinks affordable housing measures that exclude funds from private and for-profit developers miss out on one of the most efficient ways to develop new affordable housing."

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY

City of El Cerrito


El Cerrito City Council

Rebecca Saltzman

Rebecca Saltzman has been a champion for transit oriented development as a member of BART Board of Directors. Her work in bicycle advocacy with Bike East Bay also makes her a well rounded candidate for El Cerrito City Council.

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY

City of Emeryville

Sam gould

Emeryville City Council

Sam Gould

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY
Matthew Solomon

Emeryville City Council

Matthew Solomon

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY
Courtney Welch

Emeryville City Council

Courtney Welch

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY

City of Oakland

Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 3.03.38 PM

Oakland City Council, District 1

Zac Unger

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY

Oakland City Council, District 3

Warren Logan

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY
Charlene Wang

Oakland City Council, At-Large

Charlene Wang

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY

BART Board

Barnali Ghosh

BART Board District 3

Barnali Ghosh

In her own words "Barnali is excited to shepherd housing and mixed development projects on BART properties, maximizing housing affordability, creating jobs, and enhancing the vibrancy and cultural legacy of the neighborhoods in which they inhabit. These are critical projects for BART and the broader community."

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY
Victor Flores

BART Board District 7

Victor Flores

As BART continues to recover from the pandemic, we look to the BART board for vision on transit AND support of more housing at BART stations throughout East Bay. While organizing with Latine Young Dems and CA Young Dems, Victor Flores has fought for the state housing laws that are turning the tide on our housing crisis, including SB 9, SB 423, and AB 2011.
In his words: "Building more houses and equitable urban planning isn't just good housing policy, it's great transit and environmental policy!"

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY
  • San Francisco YIMBY

AC Transit

Jean Walsh

AC Transit Ward 2

Jean Walsh

Endorsing chapters
  • East Bay YIMBY

Want to vote on our endorsements?

Official members are eligible to vote in our endorsements process, influencing the positions we take during elections.